Grassroots-Attività di Base
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30 October 2023
FIGC.IT general conditions of use
Through the figc.it website and relevant social media channels, the FIGC provide, news, content and information linked to the organisation’s activities and football across Italy.
This agreement ("Agreement") disciplines the use of the on-line services ("Service" or "Services") provided by Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio, with offices in Rome, via Gregorio Allegri n. 14 ("FIGC"), through the web site www.figc.it ("Site"), including, but not limited to, the display of news, images and videos, commercial and institutional information, as well as the participation to forums, contests, activities, etc.
Please read carefully the terms of the Agreement, that You may find at any time within the Site. By using the Service You automatically accept the Agreement, reserving FIGC the right to ask You to accept further terms and conditions upon registration with the Site or when using specific services.
FIGC reserves any exclusive right on the contents of the Service, that the Site staff makes available for a domestic use only.
The Agreement may be modified and edited periodically: the date of its most updated version is indicated on top of this page. By using the Service You automatically accept the most updated version of the Agreement.
Notwithstanding what hereinafter envisaged for specific cases, we inform You that we reserve the final decision to suspend or interrupt Your access to the Service, without prior notice, in case You infringe the Agreement, its single clauses or further terms of use reported on different parts of the Site, or keep conducts against our policies, without prejudice to our right to seek further remedies at law.
2. FIGC may submit the use of certain Services to Your previous registration with the Site and Your consequent subscription to the Site "community": in such a case You will be required to insert Your e-mail address and a password, which will be used to identify your access to the Services.
Further to Your registration with the Site you will receive the Site's newsletter, a periodical communication sent by FIGC to the e-mail address You provided, containing information about FIGC, matters of Your interest and initiatives FIGC reserves to registered users.
You represent and warrant that the personal data You will insert upon request - the processing of which by FIGC is governed by our Privacy Policy - will be true and correct.
You shall keep safe and private the user ID and the password used to register. You represent and warrant that you are aware that the communication of such data to third parties and/or their exploitation by third parties is not permitted and may give raise to Your liability for the use of the Service by third parties. In such a case, FIGC reserves the right to suspend or interrupt Your access to the Service at any time.
3. FIGC does not endorse, support, encourage, verify nor agrees upon the opinions, statements or comments posted or uploaded on billboards, comments, forums or, in general, on the common areas of the Service. Any information or material submitted on-line by third parties, suggestions and opinions, including possible advertising messages submitted by advertisers, represent the point of view of those who actually submitted to the Site their own opinions or that offered their own goods and services; said third parties shall be directly responsible for those contents, while FIGC denies any personal evaluation or agreement upon such materials and/or information.
It is agreed that, upon notice of an alleged infringement of third parties' rights or, anyway at its discretion, FIGC reserves the right to remove, at any time and without previous notice, any information, data, comment, opinion, material or item that is submitted, uploaded, provided, transmitted or disseminated through the Service by its users ("Material").
4. Your right to use the Service is strictly private and You shall not authorize third parties' access. It is agreed that You shall bear any responsibility for Your use of the Service, as well as for its use by third parties who access the Service through Your user ID and password.
The registration with the Site is reserved to users of 18 or older, as well as to underage users who have the permission of their parents, according to our Privacy Policy.
By using the Service You undertake not to use obscene, indecent, or offensive language nor submit defamatory, insulting, abusive or annoying Material. Furthermore, You undertake not to submit to the Service encrypted Material, junk mail or advertising which is not authorized, as well as other Material that may threat the privacy, the name or the image of anyone, that may encourage the commission of a crime or that represents a crime, or that is anyhow infringing any regulation in force. You therefore agree to use the service solely for licit purposes, being aware that the infringement of such undertaking may cause Your civil and/or criminal liability.
You expressly represent and warrant that the Material submitted to the Site while using the Service, including, but not limited to, text, pictures and sounds, does not infringe any copyright, trademark, know-how, name, image or other right of third parties.
The materials of the Service, the IP rights of which are held by third parties or by FIGC, are solely provided for the users' domestic usage. You undertake to respect such IP rights and, for example, not to use the materials obtained through the Service for commercial purpose, or any purpose other than the sole domestic use or those that are expressly and previously authorized by FIGC. You undertake, for example, not to publish, retransmit, distribute, publicly perform or represent, reproduce or record on any kind of device said materials, without prejudice to the domestic usage permitted by Italian regulations concerning copyright, other laws in force and what set forth in the Agreement.
For any information or clarification on the modalities of use of the materials of the Service, You may ask the Site staff at infoweb@figc.it and verify its availability as well as the relevant terms of use.
You undertake as well not to destroy, modify or interfere in any way with any software, hardware an/or server of the Service and not to obstacle the use of the Service by third parties. Furthermore, You agree not to alter nor to interfere with any information or material of the Service or connected to it.
You undertake not to access or attempt to access to FIGC servers by any mean other than the normal connection through Your browser, including access by mean of an "administrator password" or pretending to be an "administrator".
You represent and warrant to be aware that FIGC did not revise the sites linked to the Service and does not give any guarantee on their contents; FIGC shall not be liable for their contents or for the goods and services offered or marketed through them.
FIGC has the right to terminate Your access to the Service at any time and without previous notice, as a consequence of an infringement of the Agreement or of the terms of use of the Service, as well as in case You infringe any law or regulation of any kind - even those the Agreement does not expressly refers to - and upon any decision by Courts.
5. For any information on the processing of the personal data provided or communicated upon using the Service, please read our Privacy Policy.
By uploading or submitting on-line Your Materials to the Site (or by sending them to FIGC), You expressly grant to FIGC the free of charge and exclusive use, in perpetuity and for all the world, of the Material as trademark and/or copyrightable works protected by Italian copyright Law (L. 633/1941) or any other applicable law, including but not limited to, the right to use the Materials, to reproduce them by any mean (already existing or to be invented), to modify them, to adapt them, to translate them, to improve them, to combine them with other works, to transmit, publish, sell, rent them, to distribute them, to represent and perform them in public, to present them, for any purpose, including commercial purposes, and the right to authorize third parties to exercise said rights, altogether with the power to transfer or grant sub-licence on such exclusive rights to third parties.
6. FIGC respects IP rights of third parties and requires the users of the Service to do the same. FIGC hence reserves the right to, if and when appropriate, suspend or interrupt the access of users, subscribers, registered subjects and/or account owners that infringe IP rights of third parties, and the right to bring legal actions against them.
In consideration of the characteristics of the Service, FIGC cannot check on the Materials submitted on-line to the Site, neither before nor after their uploading.
FIGC reserves the right to perform any kind of check and/or audit, also on single materials only, and denies any liability for the contents submitted to the Site by users. FIGC shall promptly remove any materials from the Site in case of objections or claims raised by third parties and/or the competent authority.
Anyone who believes that his own IP rights may be or may have been infringed through the Site can contact the following e-mail address: infoweb@figc.it.
For any other communication, please send an e-mail to the following address: infoweb@figc.it.
7. You shall indemnify and hold harmless FIGC and the companies working with FIGC on the organization and management of the Site and the Service, and their employees, agents, representatives and suppliers, from and against any third party claim and the relevant damage (including legal fees) that may arise from Your access to the Service and/or from Your use of it against the Agreement.
8. FIGC reserves the right, but not undertake, to review, adapt, move, or remove any material, data, information, content uploaded or available within the Service and/or the Site, at its own discretion, even without any previous notice.
9. The Service is provided "as it is": we consequently deny any express or implicit warranty in relation to the quality or with regard to particular characteristics of the Service. Therefore, FIGC shall not be held responsible in case the Service is partially or totally unavailable or is made available in a different manner.
FIGC does not warrant continuous, uninterrupted or safe access to the Service, since the operations on the Site may be affected by many factors beyond its control. We, therefore, reserve the right to suspend the Service at any moment, as well as the right to interrupt it once and for all for any reason whatsoever.
To the maximum extent permitted by any applicable law provisions, You expressly waive any right to raise any claim, demand, question, action, request, etc. against FIGC and the companies working with FIGC on the organization and management of the Site and the Service, and their employees, agents, representatives and suppliers, in relation to the use of the Service by You or to any other act or fact connected to the Service.
Any transaction, even of a commercial nature, between You and a third party, including advisers and/or other subjects You may get in contact because of or during the use of the Service, will not concern, bind or interest FIGC, nor will have any legal effect beyond Your relation with such third parties, and therefore You expressly waive any right to raise any claim, demand, action, request, etc. based on such relations, against FIGC and/or its affiliate and partner companies, and their employees, officers, staff etc.
10. FIGC reserves the right to provide for and ask You to agree with further terms of use that may apply to specific areas of the Site or sections of the Service. Said further terms will be uploaded in the concerned parts of the Service and will be easily identifiable as such.
11. The Agreement has been drawn and will be interpreted according to Italian Law. Any dispute arising therefrom shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rome.