Fan Match

Fan match Vivo Azzurro: SPRAR wins in Palermo!

The Progetto Rete! side won 5-2 against Fan Club Vivo Azzurro members

Monday, November 18, 2019

Fan match Vivo Azzurro: SPRAR wins in Palermo!

Ahead of Roberto Mancini’s Azzurri’s match against Armenia, a friendly match was held between Fan Club Vivo Azzurro members and the SPRAR Milazzo side featuring young people involved in the Progetto Rete! Project from the FIGC which involves people the SPRAR (Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees) across Italy.

The event was organised by the Vivo Azzurro and the Youth and Scholastic Sector with the sides facing off at the FIGC’s Federal Technical Centre in Palermo. The Vivo Azzurro team had players from all over Italy (six from Sicily) and they took two players from the SPRAR side from Milazzo who turned up with 21 players.

After a balanced first half which finished with the SPRAR side 0-1 up, the Azzurri struggled in the second half with it eventually finishing 5-2. After the whistle, the two teams ate together and shared their memories of a special day.