
Anti Razzismo Italian football against racial discrimination, #UNITIDAGLISTESSICOLORI

Just as last year, the campaign sees all all of football's key figures involved (Leagues, Unions, Referees, Sectors and Divisions). Gravina: “No more racism, we must never get tired saying it"

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Italian football against racial discrimination, #UNITIDAGLISTESSICOLORI

Italian football is once again active in fighting racial discrimination. The FIGC, and all of its components and divisions, wants to send out an unequivocal message to mark the International Day of stamping out racial discrimination. After the success of last year, the National teams will enter the field of play under the campaign #UnitiDagliStessiColori (#UnitedByTheSameColours), an awareness campaign that will take place in various forms and one that is part of the FIGC's continuning anti-discrimination plans.

“No more racism," declared FIGC President Gabriele Gravina,"we must never get tired of saying it, until society and the world of Sport, especially football, can finally eradicate all forms of discrimination. Every insult and act of violence is a painful blow to the heart of our communtiy. Together with the world of football, who I thank for their awareness of this matter, we want to promote values of friendship, embrace and joy that represent the game's true identity."

All the leagues (Lega Serie A, Lega Serie B, Lega Pro and Lega Nazionale Dilettanti), Unions (Assocalciatori and Associazione Italiana Allenatori di Calcio), Associazione Italiana Arbitri (Referees Association), Sectors (Youth, Scolastic and Technical) and Divisions (Women's Division, and Paralympic and Experimental Divisions) are spreading the messages of the campaign across their digital and communication channels, starting from those by the FIGC and the Azzurri.

On the weekend of 9/10 April, a banner with the hashtag #UnitiDagliStessiColori will be displayed in the Men's Serie A, B and C leagues, while referees and their assistants will wear a special T-shirt dedicated to the campaign. On the weekend of 25/26 March and 1/2 April, the semi-professional and amateur levels will also take part. Women's Football will show the banner in the game between Inter and Juventus on March 25, and again, for the occasion, the match officials will enter the field of play wearing the special, dedicated T-shirt. The Paralympic and Experimental Division will take its turn in highlighting the campaign on 25 March (matchday 6 in Lombardia in Milan, and matchday 5 in Piedmont/Val D'Aosta in Savona) and also on 1 April in the Veneto region in Verona. The official statement regarding the antidiscrimination campaign will be read out before kick-off in the Under-17 Serie A and B, and Under 17 and Under 15 Serie C, scheduled for next weekend (a total of 80 games). On the weekend of 25/26 March, the same will also happen in the LND leagues (Lega Nazionale Dilettanti), Women's Serie C, Men's and Women's national 5-a-side futsal teams, and in all regional and provincial games across the country. On the weeked of 1/2 April, the Men's Serie D will also join the campaign.

The campaign - Through the use of the four-colour process CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black), the concept of #UnitiDagliStessiColori, designed by the Independent Ideas company (Publicis Groupe), highlights different ethnicities from a whole, new original perspective. It is against discrimination's irrational logic, with the campaign using primary colours to show that every type of skin has the same origin, and, as such, is the combination of the same colours. The project sees UNAR (Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri) as an institutional partner and the campaign was made possible by the vital contribution from UEFA HatTrick FSR (Football and Social Responsibility).