Accreditation and information for Media Outlets
Terms and conditions for accreditation requests for international matches and events organised by the FIGC.
Accreditation requests for International home games and FIGC events are done through the Online system of accreditation
On the above website, it is possible to make a request for Media Accreditation, after completing the mandatory registration, as outlined below:
‘Multiple Users’ - profile reserved for the national ‘written press’ media outlets. Subject to activation via credentials, to be requested from the FIGC Press Office (, this profile allows you to manage requests for all the newspaper’s employees (reporter or photographer).
‘Audio & Video’ - profile reserved for broadcasters (TV and Radio stations) NON RIGHTS HOLDERS (NRH). As for the ‘Multiple Users’, it is subject to activation via credentials, to be requested from the FIGC Press Office (
Single User - reserved for freelancers and Websites.

Once registration is completed, for each event/competition:
The national news outlets will be able to make an accreditation request for a maximum of two journalists and one photographer (written press); two journalists and two TV operators (TV NRH), or one journalist (Radio NRH).
The local outlets can carry out a request for only one journalist.
Please note the following:
The requests for Media accreditation must be authorised by the newspaper’s news director (documentation to be attached)
Accreditation will be admitted only and exclusively to journalists registered to the Ordine dei Giornalisti (Order of Journalists Association) or to AIPS (International Sports Press Association) for foreigners (documentation to be attached).
The media accreditation will be granted seating in the stand (desk/observer seat), made available with regards to health protocols if applicable, with the following priorities: a) TV and Radio Rights Holders; b) national and international Media; c) Media accredited for the opponent’s federation; d) local Media for the area of the venue; e) websites. We will not consider any requests coming from unregistered websites, such as: newspapers from Courts or from individual bloggers or freelance writers, without a letter of assignment for the event from the media outlets named above.
The maximum number of permitted photographers for each meeting is determined by the space available pitchside.
Inside the stadium/location of an event, it is compulsory to: a) respect the signs set by the FIGC with regards to position in the stand, and access to places of work (press room or press conference room); b) respect the signs in the areas where it is banned to produce content according to the radio-television rights; c) comply with the required health protection standards (mask wearing in closed spaces, washing of the hands, social distancing).
Access to the work areas the day before and on Matchday could be limited according to the capacity of the same areas and regulated by the concession of supplementary accreditation devices (SAD). It will in any case be possible for all accredited participants to follow press conferences through closed- circuit monitors installed at the stadium’s press area in the stands, or on the online platform, where activated.
On Matchday, photographers will be positioned in designated “photographer areas” pitchside, as assigned by the FIGC Press Office; it is compulsory to maintain the assigned position for the whole duration of the match. It will not be possible to take up other positions other than those indicated.
The methods of accreditation and access to the areas in question, and the number of accreditations made available for the media and photographers, are organised through the “UEFA Return to Play” and FIGC effective protocols.
Terms for accreditation requests. The procedures for accreditations for all events will be concluded no later than the indicated date on the website (Media Area/Information for editorial staff). Please note that the system of accreditation does not allow any exceptions, therefore it will not be possible to submit requests beyond the established deadlines. Any accreditation requests sent by email, WhatsApp or in ways other than those expressly specified will not be taken into consideration.
Confirmations/Refusals of accreditation will be communicated only after the closing of the indicated accreditation window. Please note that sending an accreditation request is subject to evaluation by the event organisers and therefore does not automatically approve entry.
Cancellation request for accreditation/Refusals of accreditation. Media requesting accreditation who are then unable to cover the event, for whatever reason, are invited to promptly notify the FIGC Press Office using the email address Communications received after the closing time of the “Media accreditation” ticket office on the day of the match will not be taken into consideration and will be seen as a “no-show”, binding until accreditation is given for subsequent events.
Conditions of access and press activities at Coverciano. Access for photographers is only permitted for the first day of training camp. Videocameras inside the CTF (video journalists and cameramen) are not allowed, with the exception of the RH broadcaster. The FIGC will provide the audiovisual recording and distribution of images relating to: a) press conferences; b) training sessions.
Below are the technical specifications and contacts to activate the service:
Press conference: shooting done with 3 HD cameras: TLC1 (Total), TLC2 (narrow on speaker 1), TLC3 (narrow on speaker 2 or on who is asking the question in the audience)
Training: shooting done with 2 HD cameras: TLC1 (wide image from the stand/central area) from an elevated position, TLC2 (narrow from the sidelines/central position).
The Italian Host Broadcaster and the Main Visiting Broadcaster (MVB), limited to the relevant match, will be able to acquire the LIVE signal through their own means on site. The Non-Right Holders will have access to the images at the end of the press conference and training through an FTP, which is to be used exclusively as defined in the licence agreement that will be signed by each individual newspaper.
For images or audio requests, contact:
Massimiliano Reale (FIGC Area Sales - Implementation)
email: - Tel.: 06.8491.3023
Click here for access to the Online system of accreditation